
Mark visits martial arts club in Denby Dale

It was great to visit Tang Soo Do Denby Dale in Denby Dale with Cllr Michael Watson and Cllr Tim Bamford.

Martial arts are a great way for people to keep fit, and I would encourage anyone in Denby Dale to consider joining a class with Tang Soo Do.

Mark votes to cut national insurance

Conservative MPs, including Mark Eastwood MP, have voted to cut taxes including national insurance today. 

The change will put £330 extra back into the pockets of ordinary workers each year, worth £27.50 per month on the average pay packet.

Mark supports homelessness charity

It was a pleasure to meet the hard-working staff at Bridge-it Housing, a charity that supports rough sleepers in Dewsbury.

Mark attends make a difference awards in Leeds

Delighted to attend  BBC Radio Leeds' ‘Make A Difference Awards’ at the Royal Armouries, to celebrate the achievements of volunteers, key workers and community groups.

Special congratulations to West Yorkshire ADHD Support Group on winning The Community Group Award.

Mark visits the Apollo Electronics Ltd team in Scissett

Mark Eastwood MP has today (31st August 2022) visited local Electronics manufacturer Apollo Electronics Ltd in Scissett to meet and discuss business-related issues with the business owner Stephen Bond and the Apollo team, who manufacture circuit board electronics for alarm systems through to a ra